Thursday, August 28, 2014

Where Does it Say in the Law That……?

by Wrightslaw

At Wrightslaw, how can we tell that school has started?  Questions from parents (and teachers) are pouring in each day.
I have a question about…who has to attend IEP meetings? goals in the IEP?
How do I search for information about… a special ed teacher revising the IEP?  behavior and discipline strategies?
Where do I look for…appropriate modifications? social and communication skills info?
We are always a little surprised when people write, “I just can’t find any answers to my questions.”
Tips: Looking for info, getting started!
1. Go to and scroll through the topics on the left hand side of the page, A-Z.
- See more at:

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Keeping Vigilant...

I have been trying to capture the right words to describe my week up in Virginia's William and Mary College of Law, for the ISEA (Institute for Special Education). While the week was both inspiring and informative, there is no doubt every parent, every family, every community will need to continue to be vigilant to assert their rights, if their child is to receive a fair and appropriate education.  After meeting attorneys and a sprinkle of advocates from across the United States, the theme across our Country is disparaging – bordering on egregious.  If you have a child with special needs, you MUST understand YOU WILL HAVE TO PURSUE these rights for your child.

One of my goals from the training, is to make sure I provide you with a road-map and resources.  Having an active Advocacy and Educational Consulting practice, kiddos come first and the blog the least important on the to do list. I now realize, to help as many as possible, I need to drop in more often. We are in this together, you are not alone and you can learn how to work with your School or District.  And if that is not possible, you can learn the best remedy you have.

Along with keeping the blog current, I am bringing back quarterly workshops.  I am sincerely grateful for the overwhelming demand for the return of my workshops.  I will be including both previous workshops (please remind me if you were on the waiting list) as well as a series where we dive deeper into individual groups. Next week I will post a calendar of subjects and dates. However, we will launch in September with the infamous "Binder Workshop".  Managing your child's paperwork NOW and not when when in crisis.  This workshop tends to be an eye opener, and where parents find out what evaluations their child is missing, or out of date. How to manage all the work samples you are saving and also how to build an effective communication log. This workshop is relevant to parents of children with special needs - as well as parents who have their children in a private school setting, and are looking to transition back to public school.

Remember to Keep Calm and Advocate!  Robin

Emmy's Bash 2014

This is a wonderful fundraiser for child respite. Corrigan Care offers drastically reduced rates for parents of special angels. More important, the children have fun and are accepted for the gift they are. Please check out Corrigan Care on Facebook - as well as their partner YourRespite.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Alert - TIME SENSITIVE!!! SAT Special Education Accommodations

I wanted to reach out to the group, as having accommodations for your child's SAT requires planning.  As you can see from the information below, if your child is taking the SAT in October, you need to apply by the end next week!

The website for applying for accommodations for college boarding test is:

Accommodations take about 7 weeks to process and the deadline for applying
is 08/22 for the October test and 09/19 for the November test.  If
approval is processed 2 weeks before test, the accommodations will appear
on the students ticket.  If the accommodations do not appear on the
students ticket, the request will be honored if the student has met the
deadline for applying for the accommodations.