Last weekend I attended a working retreat for Gwinnett SToPP.
(Gwinnett Parent Coalition to Dismantle the School to Prison Pipeline) Professionals
from all counties where interviewed and 10 were selected to be a part of their
4th year initiative. We have made an 8
month commitment towards a project to benefit students and their education -
however more important - an investment in a child's future. Though the majority of attendees reside in
Gwinnett - there were additional participants (myself included) who attended
from a different county. The statistics
are both staggering - and appalling.
- Georgia
students lost 1.7 million days of instructional time to in or out of
school suspensions during 2010-2011 school year.
- 2,143 Kindergarteners
were suspended in Georgia
during the 2010-2011 school year.
- The
graduation rate for Georgia
was only 67.4 percent for the 2010-2011 school year. Only a sixth of Georgia
high schools graduated more than 80 percent of students.
I feel privileged to be a part of this initiative for year 4
- and will keep you informed as the weeks go by.