Wednesday, December 25, 2013

A Holiday Message

What every Holiday you celebrate - I send a wish to you of Peace and Joy.  And as you gather with your families - celebrate the Special Child in your life.

To My Son Myles,

The day you were born I expected to love you unconditionally, and to find joy in holding you, and to feel happiness just by watching you grow......

.....but I never expected to be so in awe of the way you affect the world around you, and I certainly didn't realize just how much you would teach me.......

I'm so proud of the special person you are and all the wonderful things you do.

You inspire me - Thank you for the gift of being you.

All My Love - Mom

Sunday, September 29, 2013

It started: DSM5 used to revoke autism diagnosis 
Share your story to stop the DSM5

As many of us expected, the new definition of “autism” laid out in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fifth Edition (DSM5) is being used to deny services and educational placements to people with autism. We are receiving more and more reports from around the US (Buffalo, Dallas, Utica, etc.) of schools, Medicaid providers, insurance companies and local government service providers using the DSM5 to deny services to people who have an autism spectrum disorder.
If you are facing difficulties or the loss of services as a result of the DSM5 please let us know. Please contact us at with your stories. Your stories will be a crucial component in stopping the DSM5.
All the studies on how the DSM5 will affect people with autism have shown huge numbers will lose their diagnosis, their services, Medicaid and educational placement along with it. One study from the Child Study Center at Yale University showed a 55% reduction, including 30% of those categorized as low-functioning.
We have had bills introduced in several states including New York, New Jersey and Connecticut to require the continued use of the DSM4 and other diagnostic tools such as the ICD. We are working on getting bills introduced in other states. Illinois has already passed legislation prohibiting the use of the DSM5 to deny services. And we are working to prevent the federal government from using the DSM5.
The DSM5 discards the labels of “Asperger syndrome” and “pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS)” Schools and insurance companies and Medicaid providers are using these changes to tell people who have an Asperger’s or PDD-NOS diagnosis that they no longer have “autism” and are losing insurance coverage, placements in special education and other services.
The DSM5 is wrapped in controversy. The federal National Institute of Mental Health considers the DSM5 so flawed that they will not spend any research dollars on studies that use it. We do not have to put up with this.
Please share this message with friends and family and please post to Facebook and other social networks.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Gwinnett STOPP Retreat - August 23, 24 2013

Last weekend I attended a working retreat for Gwinnett SToPP. (Gwinnett Parent Coalition to Dismantle the School to Prison Pipeline) Professionals from all counties where interviewed and 10 were selected to be a part of their 4th year initiative.  We have made an 8 month commitment towards a project to benefit students and their education - however more important - an investment in a child's future.   Though the majority of attendees reside in Gwinnett - there were additional participants (myself included) who attended from a different county.  The statistics are both staggering - and appalling.

  • Georgia students lost 1.7 million days of instructional time to in or out of school suspensions during 2010-2011 school year.
  • 2,143 Kindergarteners were suspended in Georgia during the 2010-2011 school year. 
  • The graduation rate for Georgia was only 67.4 percent for the 2010-2011 school year.  Only a sixth of Georgia high schools graduated more than 80 percent of students.

I feel privileged to be a part of this initiative for year 4 - and will keep you informed as the weeks go by.