Georgia Congress has two days left to pass a bill calling for cameras in special education
classrooms. House Bill 614.
OK GA parents & advocates. We’ve been asking for this. Now rally and send your e-mails and make your calls!
Dear Parent or Guardian,A team of developmental psychologists from Georgia State University is seeking to recruit participants for a study on factors that contribute to language learning in children with different developmental profiles. If you have a child, or children, diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder who is/ are between 2 and 13 years of age, please read on.Participation requires 90 minutes of your time; we provide free parking and provide compensation in the amount of $20 for your participation with your child.Please find attached a letter describing the research, as well as an explanation of what involvement in the study consists of.Do not hesitate to contact Nevena Dimitrova at 404-413-6257 or if you have any questions about this study.Thank you for your attention and your interest!Nevena Dimitrova, Ph.D.Language Development LaboratoryDepartment of PsychologyGeorgia State University
FREE FOCUS Mini-Conference at Clayton State
Saturday, March 21, 2015
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
2000 Clayton State Boulevard, Morrow, Ga.
This conference is a great day of information, networking, and a little fun!!
Cost: FREE to Parents!
No cost for this event for parents, but you must register by Wednesday, March 18! Click to register with your name and zip code! Professionals are $20.
Registration includes access to all workshops, coffee, and FREE Chick-fil-A lunch.
Workshops: NOW/COMP, Wills and Trusts, IEP Basics and Strategies for Successful Advocacy, Disability Awareness 101
Contact FOCUS at 770-234-9111 or email Elizabeth with any questions.